Built-in Agents

Below is a list of agents that come bundled with ActiveWorkflow. These cover a wide spectrum of functionality and can be extensively configured and composed in workflows alongside your own agents.

Each agent comes with inline documentation within ActiveWorkflow's web interface.

Input/Output Agents#

These are agents that connect your workflows to the outside world.

WebhookĀ AgentCreates messages by receiving webhooks from any source. You can use this agent to expose URLs that can trigger one or more workflows when called.
DataĀ OutputĀ AgentOutputs messages it receives as RSS or JSON feeds. You can use it to create public or private RSS or JSON feeds of ActiveWorkflow data.
HTTPĀ StatusĀ AgentChecks a given URL and emits the resulting HTTP status code with the time that it waited for a reply. It can optionally emit the value of one or more specified headers. A simple example is using this agent to periodically check if a website is online.
Website AgentScrapes websites, XML documents, or JSON feeds and can create messages based on the results.
RSS AgentConsumes RSS feeds and emits messages when they change.
Email AgentSends emails based on messages received.
EmailĀ DigestĀ AgentCollects messages and sends them in bulk via periodic emails according to schedule.
TLS Check AgentChecks your TLS certificates for expiration and notifies you in advance.
LiquidĀ OutputĀ AgentOutputs messages through a Liquid template you provide. You can use it to create HTML pages, JSON feeds, or anything else that can be rendered as a string from your stream of ActiveWorkflow data.

Workflow and Message Processing Agents#

These agents control the workflow and perform common and simple message processing operations.

CommanderĀ AgentGets invoked on schedule or via messages and commands other agents to run, enable, disable, or configure themselves.
Buffer AgentStores the messages it receives and emits copies of them periodically, according to schedule. You can use this as a buffer/queue of messages.
Post AgentReceives messages from other agents (or runs periodically), can merge the messages it receives with Liquid-interpolated payload, and sends the results as POST or GET requests to a specified URL.
De-Duplication AgentReceives a stream of messages and re-emits each message if it is not a duplicate.
ManualĀ MessageĀ AgentCan be used to manually create messages for testing or other purposes.
JavaScript AgentAllows you to write JavaScript code that can create and receive messages. If other agents arenā€™t meeting your needs, try this one!
AttributeĀ DifferenceĀ AgentReceives messages and emits a new message with the difference or change of a specific attribute in comparison to the message received.
Change Detector AgentReceives a stream of messages and emits a new message when a property of the received message changes.
CSV AgentParses or serializes CSV data. When parsing, messages can either be emitted for the entire CSV, or one per row.
Gap Detector AgentWatches for "holes" or gaps in a stream of incoming messages and generates "no data alerts".
Read File AgentTakes messages from File Handling agents, reads the files, and emits the file contents as a string.
Trigger AgentWatches for a specific value in a message payload.
MessageĀ FormattingĀ AgentAllows you to format incoming messages, adding new fields as needed.
Digest AgentCollects any messages sent to it and emits them as a single message.
Peak Detector AgentWatches for peaks in a message stream.
JSON Parse AgentParses a JSON string and emits the data in a new message.

In the next section your will find examples of custom ActiveWorkflow agents in various languages. To write your own custom agents see How to Create Your Own Custom Agents using the Remote Agent API.